
ろう教育学習会(基礎文献を読む会 その2)を終わりました。
日時:2007年3月25日日曜日 1時半−4時半
場所: 立命館大学末川会館2階会議室1 (立命館大学衣笠キャンパス、正門からはいって、車のゲートを過ぎたらすぐ左手にあります。)
今回の本:Brenda Schick, Marc marschark, Ptricia Elizabeth Spencer. (Eds.) (2006)
Advances in the Sing Language Development of Deaf Children Oxford University Press.後日、別の読み物を多少加える可能性もあります。
1 Understanding sign language development of deaf children
2 Issues of linguistic typology in the study of sign language development of deaf children
3 The development of gesture in hearing and deaf children
4 Patterns and effects of language input to deaf infants and toddlers from deaf and hearing mothers
5 Acquiring a visually motivated language: evidence from diverse learners
6 Lexical development of deaf children acquiring signed languages
7 Deaf children are verb attenders: early sign vocabulary development in Dutch toddlers
8 Learning to fingerspell twice: young signing children’s acquisition of fingerspelling
9 The form of early signs: explaining signing children’s articulatory development
10 Acquisition of syntax in signed languages
11 How faces come to serve grammar: the development of nonmanual morphology in
American Sign Language
12 Deaf children’s acquisition of modal terms
13 The development of narrative skills in British Sign Language
14 Natural signed language acquisition within the social context