




1. 対象領域の研究活動の活性化
2. 対象領域の実践活動の質の向上
3. 会員間の情報交換と交流
4. リソース(参考文献や調査データ)収集と情報発信


  1. 継承語としての海外日本語教育
  2. ろう・難聴児のためのバイリンガル教育
  3. 文化的・言語的に多様な学習者(CLD児)の母語・継承語・バイリンガル教育(日本語教育を含む)
  4. 国際学校・外国人学校児童生徒の言語教育、先住民族の言語の教育、複数言語育成を目指した外国語教育など各種言語教育(英語教育を含む)



An Introduction to The Japanese Society for Mother Tongue, Heritage Language and Bilingual Education (MHB)

The Japanese Society for Mother Tongue, Heritage Language and Bilingual Education (MHB) is an academic organization with the goal of improving bilingual education (including education in mother tongues and education in three or more languages) for young children, students, and adults living in Japan, as well as for Japanese people and learners of Japanese overseas. Motivations for wishing to become bilingual, or why people should become bilingual, include the following factors: their social and economic situation; the linguistic and cultural composition of family and the self; and the desire for achieving their goals for the future. It is the mission of those involved in language education to nurture the language skills essential for each individual to develop their abilities to the fullest extent and lead a more fulfilled life. We hope to contribute to a fairer and more affluent society through such educational practices.

In Japan, however, knowledge and good practice in bilingual education have been scarce. Therefore, MHB engages in four types of activity: conducting educational research; exchanging information on the diversity of pedagogical methodologies, educational systems, and educational environments; conducting research on pertinent theories; and offering training in research methodologies to improve bilingual education for people in the five "Target Areas" below. Many academic societies and research groups consider the learners of interest to MHB as people who learn only one additional language (local language, foreign language, and others) and focus on the acquisition of only that target language and teaching methods. However, we believe that MHB can offer a unique and valuable venue where practitioners and researchers can share insights on education focusing on the integrated development of multiple languages within a single person, transcending the differences in the target languages. We welcome anyone sharing our views and aims.

1. To undertake research activities in the target areas
2. To improve the quality of educational and research activities in the target areas
3. To exchange information and interaction among members
4. To collect and disseminate resources (i.e., relevant literature and survey data)

Target Areas
The overall focus is language education for infants, children, students, and other learners who require bilingual education. For the time being, our target areas will include the following:
1. The teaching of Japanese abroad as a heritage language
2. Bilingual education for deaf and hard-of-hearing children
3. Mother tongue, heritage language, and bilingual education (including Japanese language education) for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse children (CLD children)
4. Various kinds of language education such as education for international school students, foreign school students, indigenous people’s languages, as well as foreign language education aiming at bi-/multi-lingual abilities (including English education in Japan)

MHB also includes as its research target evaluation methods and research methods relevant across the aforementioned areas.


また、会員は以下の部会(Special Interest Group: SIG)に参加することができます。(複数SIGへの参加が可能です。)

 部会のウェブサイト https://sites.google.com/site/keishougo/
 部会のウェブサイト https://sites.google.com/view/mhb-kgk/





  • 「一般会員」「学生会員」には、MHB学会主催行事への参加費の割引などの特典がありますが、年会費の支払いが発生します。なお、「学生会員」は学生であることが条件です。
  • 「準会員」は、いずれかのSIGに参加していることが条件となります。年会費の支払いは必要ありませんが、参加費の割引などの特典はありません。
MHB学会 会員種別(非会員との比較から)
会員種別 年会費


紀要講読 大会や学習会などの参加費 学会からのお知らせ MiiT+登録(登録条件)
一般会員 4,000円 出来る 最新版を含めて全て無料 会員価格 あり 必要(条件なし)
学生会員 3,000円 出来る 最新版を含めて全て無料 会員価格 あり 必要(学籍がある)
準会員 なし 出来ない 発行から一年後の一般公開版のみ 割引なし あり 必要(SIGに参加)
非会員 なし 出来ない 発行から一年後の一般公開版のみ 割引なし なし N/A

年会費の納付方法は、新規入会の方は 「入会案内」を、既に会員の方は「会員更新手続き(年会費納付)」をご覧ください。


母語・継承語・バイリンガル教育(MHB)学会 事務局 
〒603-8577 京都府京都市北区等持院北町56−1
立命館大学 衣笠キャンパス 国際コミュニケーション学域
佐野愛子 研究室内 MHB事務局
TEL 075-466-3171
Email:aikosano AT fc.ritsumei.ac.jp

会計担当 連絡先
〒564-8680 大阪府吹田市山手町3−3−35
関西大学 千里山キャンパス  外国語学部
伊澤明香 研究室内
TEL  06-6368-1121


  • 学会会則最新版はこちら
  • 現在の役員・SIG代表はこちら
  • MHB学会の前身となった「母語・継承語・バイリンガル教育研究会」を立ち上げる会の議事録はこちら